Fan Art:


Very Spiff screen saver

from the creative mastermind behind Killroy and Tina


The first bit of art comes from my friend Mario who got me hooked on comics!

Yo! Mario!!!

So go chill out with the fresh grooves of the fine Mr. Shefford as he lays the facts about the homies in Ottowa!



Yay! More art from fans! This one was contributed by the award winning artist of Man-Man

I like the sketchy feel of it. I wish I could draw like this...


Whoo! Hoo! Mario Strikes again!

Yo I made tha first one then I thot that killrod and teen-girl pussy gets all fukin shiznit with the cullers on his fukin screensava an I kin do at least that shiznit for my main man slug you know.

So I did colorz and shit its like dynamic and shit because I used fukin teal in the bakgrond and now is like he EXPLODEZ out of th fukin screen but he dint really cuz then I wud not have a screen to be riting you rite now.


Your pal,


I like the sketchy feel of it. I wish I could draw like this...


This next bit was contributed by another friend of mine.

I like the sketchy feel of it. I wish I could draw like this...

This next bit was contributed by another friend of mine.

I like the sketchy feel of it. I wish I could draw like this...



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